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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman sits on the ground in front of a bench, clutching a pentacle tightly to her chest, indicating that this is something she holds very dear. A pentacle is behind her adorning the bench while two statues stand on either side. She has a bench but refuses to sit on it, suggesting that she won't use what she has. Two warped pentacles lay before her, symbolizing her twisted attitude toward them.

This card represents a miser. You may have plenty, but you are afraid to use it, share it, or enjoy it. Something is threatening you, whether your own fears or someone trying to take what is yours. You are so afraid of losing what you have that you hold it too close. Your attitude toward your gifts, whether it is your money, your belongings, your time, or your health, has become twisted, controlling, and unhealthy.

If reversed, this card suggests the opposite. You are giving away too freely, spending too much, or overindulging in other ways. It could also mean you are trying to take something that isn't yours, causing someone else to hold tightly to it.

Use your intuition

  • What do the statues on the bench signify?
  • A calm river can be seen in the background. Is this woman on a bridge? If so, what does that imply?

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